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Last updated: 27 March 2023

The Data Controller in this Privacy Policy refers to the World Energy Council (“Council”), the owner of the 26th World Energy Congress.

Stichting WEC Congres, Schipluidenlaan 4, 1062 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands (“WEC Congress”) is organising the 26th edition of the flagship event of the World Energy Council, the 26th World Energy Congress, taking place from 22-25 April 2024 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, hereinafter the Data Processor, on behalf of the World Energy Council.

It is our utmost concern to constantly improve our services to best meet the needs of our stakeholders. To this end, we may collect and store certain information, including personal data of people like you. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously in all its business processes. This Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter the Privacy Policy) is meant to help you understand how data are collected, processed and stored to meet legal requirements and our data protection standards.

By providing personal data, you agree to have read this privacy policy and agree to abide by any obligations contained therein, as it may be amended from time to time.


Scope of this Data Protection Statement

This Policy shall apply to any information that you, as the owner of the personal data (hereinafter the User), provide to the Data Processor through the website, mobile applications, email or social media, by phone or in person. It shall also cover any information we receive from third parties. The User refers to an individual who submits their personal data and, in particular, includes the following categories of people: individual potential participants, as well as employees or other representatives of organisations potentially participating in the 26th World Energy Congress.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to set out the purposes for which, and the manner in which, we may collect and use personal information that we may obtain about you so that you can make an informed choice about using the website, applications or other products or services.

The legal basis for processing personal data is the User’s consent to the processing of personal data, which is given when using the website, including when viewing the website as well as registering or logging onto the system.

If the User disagrees with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the use of their data, the User should not use the website nor provide the Processor with their personal data and should disable cookies in the browser settings.


Data collected and method of collection

The information that you provide to us

We may collect some or all the following information when you register online, download forms, subscribe to newsletters, fill out onsite registration forms, or share your business cards:

  • personal information, which includes:
    1. general personal information (which may contain but is not limited to full name, email address, phone numbers, date of birth, gender);
    2. Confidential Personal Data (scanned photo ID, passport information, credit card information);
    3. your business information (position, company name, company’s email address and legal address, work number);
  • information about products and services you’ve inquired about or shown an interest in.

Information we automatically collect

  • Usage information – we keep track of user activity, the configuration of their computers, and performance metrics related to their use of the Services.
  • Log information – we log information about Our customers including Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. Information collected by cookies and other similar technologies – we use various technologies to collect information which may include saving cookies to users’ computers. We also save your email consent for future reference.


Purpose of data collection

By using our website, applications or other products or services, you agree that we may collect, store, use or otherwise process your information, including general personal information (including sensitive personal data), for the purpose of compiling a list of individuals who have registered their interest in the World Energy Congress as part of preparations for the 26th World Energy Congress. The processing of personal data refers to any action (transaction) or a set of actions (transactions) performed, with or without the automation of tools, with personal data, including collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating or changing), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, or access), depersonalisation, blocking, deletion, or destruction of personal data for a period of time until the goals of processing are achieved or until there is no longer a need to achieve these goals, unless stated otherwise by international standards or Dutch law.

NOTE: Confidential Personal Data, as defined above, as well as sensitive personal data, shall be stored only for registration purposes and shall not be processed or transmitted other than to the designated registration provider(s) in any other way:

The Processor shall use the personal data of Users solely for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, ensure that the personal data of Users is kept confidential, not disclose it without the User’s consent and not sell, exchange, publish or disclose the personal User data it receives in any other possible ways. Personal data may be transferred in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as the standards of international and Dutch legislation.

The security of personal data processed by the Data Processor is ensured by the implementation of the legal, organisational and technical measures that are necessary to ensure the requirements of federal legislation concerning the protection of personal data.

Our service providers

We may share your personal information with companies that perform services on our behalf, for example, companies that help process credit card payments and provide services on behalf of the 26th World Energy Congress. This includes, but is not limited to, MCI Amsterdam B.V. for registration, marketing & communication, sponsor & exhibition and other event organisation services. Our service providers are required by contract to protect the confidentiality of the personal information we share with them and to use it only to provide specific services on our behalf.


Duration of storage

Personal data that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. We will retain general and personal data during a maximum period of five years and financial data for ten years if no specific legal requirement. 

You may cancel/delete your 26th World Energy Congress account by sending an email to

Personal data shall be processed until such time when the User submits a waiver in electronic format to The Data Controller and the Data Processor shall cease processing the personal data and destroy it within 1 (one) month of the date of receipt of the waiver of this consent or within the time stipulated by applicable law if no waiver of this consent is provided.


Location of storage and controller of data base

The User profiles that we maintain are stored in cloud-based central databases at third-party providers’ location in Europe. Third-party providers have signed our dedicated data protection clauses.

Any transfer of your Data outside the European Economic Area shall only take place with suitable safeguards in place, such as the EU standard contractual clauses.

You may have further information on the above by sending an email to


Promotion and marketing

We collect your information when you make content-based marketing searches and when you use our website and event applications.

You may receive personalised recommendations and marketing materials from us that are tailored based on the information you provided to us and your interactions on our website, our applications or through our service providers via text messages, telephone or email. Based on the information received, we carry out a statistical, technical and logistical analysis, to send you personalised content and advertisements.

We may also contact you about other World Energy Council related events or activities that we believe may interest you.

We also collect information when you contact us to respond to your request, question or issue, and to follow up on the resolution.


Transfer and communication of data

You consent only to transmission of your data in electronic format through encrypted connections to the Data Processor and, if necessary, to our service providers for the purpose of organising the 26th World Energy Congress and providing you with the services associated with your attendance of the 26th World Energy Congress. Such third parties may process personal data in full using any processing actions specified in this Privacy Policy.

We remain the Data Controller of your information and our service providers only process data under our instructions and cannot use the information for anything else. We take all reasonable efforts to ensure these third parties process your data securely.

Your personal information may be shared with government entities and regulatory authorities as required by international and Dutch law. The use of your personal information by such bodies is outside of our control and we do not accept any liability in this regard.

Upon your consent, selected general personal and business information, limited to name, position, company name and country only, may be shared with selected sponsors prior to the 26th World Energy Congress.

Once your registration is completed, you have an option to opt in to share more detailed general personal and business information, including your contact information, with select sponsors for the 26th World Energy Congress.


Use of cookies and other tracking technologies

The website uses a variety of technical methods for tracking purposes, including cookies.

A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to enable us to offer certain time-saving features to our users, such as one-time log in, and pre-populating name and address fields. If a user sets up their browser to reject cookies or other tracking technologies, they may still use the websites, although functionality will be impaired.

We also use these technical methods in HTML emails that we send to our visitors for a number of purposes, including: (i) to determine whether our visitors have opened or forwarded those emails and/or clicked on links in those emails, (ii) to customise the display of banner advertisements and other messages after a visitor has closed an email, and (iii) to determine whether a visitor has made an enquiry in response to a particular email.

Cookies and other technical methods may involve the transmission of information either directly to us or to a third party authorised by us to collect information on our behalf. The information from the use of such technical methods may be collected in a form that is personally identifiable.


Hyperlinks and third-party advertising

Our website may contain links to other websites. Their inclusion cannot be taken to imply any endorsement or validation by us of the content of such other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites, nor do we accept any liability in connection with the content of such websites.


Security and organizational measures

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Only authorized Data Controller staff, Data Processor staff and third-party companies’ (i.e. service providers) staff (who have contractually agreed to keep all information secure) have access to your personal data. All Data Controller staff and Data Processor staff who have access to your personal data are required to adhere to the staff confidentiality regulations and all third-party employees who have access to your personal data have signed non-disclosure agreements. In addition, data transfer agreements are in place with third-party companies that have access to your personal data to make sure these data remain secure.


Your rights

In accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, you have a right to request access to, rectification of your data, or restriction of processing, and to object to said processing, as well as the right to data portability, unless mci group has to keep these data for legitimate business or legal purposes. For more information, you should contact us at the above-mentioned e-mail address. Moreover, you have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

To contact us with questions or issues about our data processing, contact us at the following e-mail address:

By contacting us at the above-mentioned e-mail address, you may opt-out from receiving future electronic marketing messages from us and request that we not share your personal data with unaffiliated third parties for their marketing purposes. We will try to comply with your request(s) as soon as reasonably practicable.

Please note that if you opt-out as described above, we will not be able to remove your personal data from the databases of unaffiliated third parties with which we have already shared your personal data (i.e., to which we have already provided your personal data as of the date that we implement your opt-out request).

Please also note that if you do opt-out of receiving marketing-related messages from us, we may still send you important administrative messages related to the event you have registered for, and you cannot opt-out from receiving administrative messages.



This Privacy Policy may be revised and updated from time to time to comply with statutory data protection and privacy laws. We will post any statement changes on our website and, if the changes are significant, we will send a notice to the e-mail address provided. Your continued use of our website, apps or other products or services is an indication of your acceptance of these changes.



If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, if you wish to review or receive a copy of the personal information that we hold about you or if you feel that your privacy has been compromised, please contact us at:

Email: Tel.: +31 20 575 42 20 

Address: Stichting WEC Congres, Schipluidenlaan 4, 1062 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"I’m honoured to be joining so many visionary female leaders at the 26th World Energy Congress as we come together from all regions and industries to build a brighter future for people and the planet."

Sara Akbar

Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Oilserv Kuwait

"We know that net zero is not enough and at ACCIONA we have a planet-positive strategy and the provision of renewable energy is at the heart of regeneration. It's a privilege to be part of the 26th World Energy Congress and its vision to redesign energy for people and the planet."

Rafael Mateo

Chief Executive Officer, ACCIONA Energía

"At Qcells, we are committed to delivering clean energy worldwide through our cutting-edge solar technology. I look forward to bringing the voice of solar and storage and our perspective on how to grow this promising industry to the 2024 World Energy Congress."

Dr Danielle Merfeld

EVP and Global Chief Technology Officer at Qcells

"As a proud Patron of the World Energy Council, I’m delighted to be part of the next World Energy Congress as together we harness our collective experience and solutions to build a net zero energy future."

Luc Remont

Chairman & CEO, Electricité de France (EDF)

"A just transition, for Africa, will not be possible without access to sustainable finance, the pursuit of economic development goals and the empowerment of women. The 2024 World Energy Congress will be a unique opportunity to accelerate energy transitions in Africa and beyond."

Rolake Akinkugbe-Filani

Chief Commercial Officer, Mixta Africa (ARM Group)