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The 26th World Energy Congress is a critical turning point for leadership on clean and inclusive energy transitions worldwide and an opportunity to spring forward in redesigning energy for people and planet.

“Against a backdrop of new energy insecurity concerns and the increasing damages that climate change is inflicting on the Earth’s natural life support system, it is neither easy nor enough to translate net zero roadmaps into reality. It is important to develop a shared and deeper understanding of the role of increasingly diverse energy systems in enabling a safe operating space for humanity. It is urgent to involve more people and communities and identify leading practices in inclusive implementation. The best way forward is to support diverse regions in leading with and learning from each other and appreciate the diversity of place-based, clean and just energy transitions.”

Dr Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General and CEO, World Energy Council

Congress in Numbers

Total Attendees

Congress in Numbers

Total Attendees

What makes the world energy congress different?

inclusivity icon

The most visionary and truly inclusive world energy leadership convening, bringing together all sectors, industries, technologies and geographies ​

globe connection icon

Impact-focused content programme built on the collective insights and experience of our unique 100-year-old global network of over 3,000 member organisations and a presence in nearly 100 countries

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The only global energy event that connects the entire energy ecosystem and puts people and communities at the heart of making energy transitions happen in an era of energy for people and planet

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The world’s longest established energy event, informed by the World Energy Council’s unique position as the impartial and pragmatic voice of the global energy agenda and our remarkable 100-year-old heritage

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A world-class platform that showcases the most exciting advances in energy and a highly interactive experience that inspires progressive leadership thinking and collaborative and constructive action

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Only the Council has the deeply local and globally networked convening power to deliver a world-class, independent and impactful energy event on this scale

About the Congress

The World Energy Congress is the world’s longest-established energy event, having shaped the global energy agenda for a century. In today’s unpredictable, turbulent and fast-shifting world, the 26th World Energy Congress in Rotterdam will be the most important energy convening of the next decade.  

The only global energy event convening 200+ C-suite speakers and 70+ Ministers, alongside nearly 4,000 international energy stakeholders, the Congress enables the highest levels of government-to-government dialogue and unites businesses and communities of all shapes and sizes. This four-day event bridges sectors, geographies, generations and systems to make faster, fairer, and more far-reaching energy transitions happen. 

Under the theme ‘Redesigning energy for people and planet,’ an impact-focused content programme of 60+ sessions is built on the collective insights and experience of the Council’s unique global network of over 3,000 member organisations and presence in more than 100 countries. With a world-class exhibition and unparalleled networking opportunities, the 26th World Energy Congress will challenge conventional thinking and drive action to progress clean, fair and inclusive energy transitions in all world regions.  

Co-hosted by the World Energy Council and the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and taking place from 22-25 April 2024, this edition celebrates 100 years since the Council’s formation and the first World Energy Congress. As the independent and pragmatic voice of the global energy agenda, only the Council has the deeply local and globally networked convening power to progress a better energy future for all. 

PARTICIPANTS Blue wave graphic

Uniting visionary leaders, policy makers, C-suite executives, industry experts, entrepreneurs and young energy leaders

SPONSORS blue graphic

Convening countries, businesses and communities of all shapes and sizes

EXHIBITORS Yellow patterned graphic

Enabling constructive leadership dialogues that involve whole energy ecosystems

Collage of images of past World Energy Congress events


The World Energy Council is the world’s oldest independent and impartial community of energy leaders and practitioners. Through our Humanising Energy vision, we involve more people and communities in accelerating clean and inclusive energy transitions in all world regions. Formed in 1923, the Council is a UN-accredited global energy body that has convened diverse interests from across the full energy ecosystem for a century, and today has over 3,000 member organisations and a presence in nearly 100 countries. Our global network draws from governments, private and state corporations, academia and civil society, as well as current and future energy leaders. We collaborate on impact programmes and inform local, regional and global energy agendas in support of our enduring mission: to promote the sustainable use and supply of energy for the benefit of all people. Further details at and on LinkedIn and Twitter.


The World Energy Council The Netherlands is an independent organisation that aims to bring politics, industry and science together to achieve high-quality solutions to energy issues for all stakeholders, including: industry, consumers, Non-Governmental Organisations, scientific organisations and governments. World Energy Council NL collaborates with other parties, both within their international network and beyond with governments and organisations active in the energy sector, science, and other interested parties. Their mission is to provide information on global, regional, and national strategies by holding events and symposia with a high scientific content, publishing leading scientific articles and making use of the extensive international network to enter a dialogue on energy issues in the Netherlands and the world around us.

"I’m honoured to be joining so many visionary female leaders at the 26th World Energy Congress as we come together from all regions and industries to build a brighter future for people and the planet."

Sara Akbar

Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Oilserv Kuwait

"We know that net zero is not enough and at ACCIONA we have a planet-positive strategy and the provision of renewable energy is at the heart of regeneration. It's a privilege to be part of the 26th World Energy Congress and its vision to redesign energy for people and the planet."

Rafael Mateo

Chief Executive Officer, ACCIONA Energía

"At Qcells, we are committed to delivering clean energy worldwide through our cutting-edge solar technology. I look forward to bringing the voice of solar and storage and our perspective on how to grow this promising industry to the 2024 World Energy Congress."

Dr Danielle Merfeld

EVP and Global Chief Technology Officer at Qcells

"As a proud Patron of the World Energy Council, I’m delighted to be part of the next World Energy Congress as together we harness our collective experience and solutions to build a net zero energy future."

Luc Remont

Chairman & CEO, Electricité de France (EDF)

"A just transition, for Africa, will not be possible without access to sustainable finance, the pursuit of economic development goals and the empowerment of women. The 2024 World Energy Congress will be a unique opportunity to accelerate energy transitions in Africa and beyond."

Rolake Akinkugbe-Filani

Chief Commercial Officer, Mixta Africa (ARM Group)